Living Donor

Living donor may be a relative, spouse, or friend, who is between 18-50 years of age and share the same blood group as that of the patient (Universal donors with Blood group O are also eligible). The donor goes through extensive medical and psychological evaluations to ensure he is medically fit and the surgery involves minimum possible risk. Post evaluation, the donor also needs to have a clearance from the ethical committee, without which a transplant cannot be performed.
Recipients for living donor liver transplants should be active on the waiting list and should get their MELD scores updated frequently. Within 3 weeks of the surgery (approximately), the transplanted liver grows to its original volume and within a month, most of the donors are physically fit to get back to normal life. Although no medications are prescribed to the donor, the donor is, however, advised to not involve himself in strenuous body activities for about 3 months.
Success Stories
AILBS is the top liver transplant hospital in India, where Dr. Vivek Vij has performed thousands
of liver transplant surgery. Let’s look at a few encouraging patient stories along the path to quality healthcare.