Lifestyle Changes After Liver Transplant – Everything You Need to Know!

Children and adults who undergo Liver Transplant in India surgeries or need laparoscopic liver donor have to maintain certain precautions. Doing so will ensure a better and happier lifestyle as the liver will remain healthy and function well. Though there will be a little problem and discomfort in the initial days, people will soon grow accustomed to these simple yet effective lifestyle changes. Let discuss about them in detail.
- Prevention of alcohol consumption:
When a liver is transplanted, it becomes more vulnerable to damages made by chemicals and alcohol. This is why alcoholic beverages are a strict ‘No-no’ for adults who have undergone a liver transplant. Alcoholism may also lead to other related diseases that will be life-threatening.
- Exposure to toxic chemicals:
The body remains quite weak after undergoing complex liver transplant. One need to maintain the utmost precautions and also prevent inhaling the smell of chemicals that is found in paints, paint removers, pesticides, gasoline, drain cleaners, and insecticides.
The fumes of harmful substances are also extremely harmful and cause health hazards. When these smells and fumes enter the body of a liver transplant recipient, they lead to severe consequences. This is why the patient has to avoid coming in contact with these by wearing masks and goggles.
- Drinking water:
Water-borne diseases are quite rampant and when it is the question of a person who has undergone a liver transplant, he/she has to be extra cautious while consuming drinking water. If the water is taken from a good water purifier or aquaguard, then it is absolutely fine. However, if the drinking water is taken from an unreliable or unknown source, then it has to be boiled before consumption or used for cooking purposes.
- Having unprescribed medicines:
A liver transplant recipient must have only those medicines that are prescribed by the liver transplant surgeon. Having random medicines for pain or any other physical discomfort might turn out to be fatal. If the person has to have a medicine for instant relief then he/she has to consult the respective doctor.
- Prevention of infections:
Besides all these precautions, reducing the risks of infections and having healthy meals must be followed. The patient has to stay alert and cautious so that he/she does not contract diseases like chickenpox, mumps, fever, jaundice, tuberculosis, etc.
Washing hands before having meals, leading a hygienic life, staying mentally fit, avoiding engaging in lifting heavy weights, or walking on undulated grounds must also be observed for leading a healthy lifestyle. These simple precautions must be adhered to under any circumstance. At AILBS we have best Liver Transplant Success Rate in India, we offer the laparoscopic living donor treatment to everyone and help them live a regular and healthy lifestyle. You just need to be a little strict about your sleeping patterns and dietary plans and see a doctor when needed.