The liver holds a very special place in the human body. One can refer to it as a powerhouse as it bears multiple responsibilities such as digestion, detoxification, and energy production. However, like every other engine, even the engine of our body has its own set of limitations. First and foremost, you can land in serious trouble if you consume alcohol on an excessive basis. It is because alcohol has severe repercussions on the working of the liver, which leads to a serious issue commonly known as alcoholic liver disease or ALD.
You must understand ALD if you or your loved ones drink on an occasional or regular basis. We will break down ALD in simple and relatable terms only for you to understand in this blog. The following guide will provide everything you require to protect your health. So, keep your eyes and mind open while you scroll and read through the blog.
Most of us have the habit of consuming a glass of wine on a daily basis or drinking heavily on an occasional or daily basis. The brief moment of joy we gain while drinking causes serious effects on the overall functioning of our body, which includes the liver as well.
Alcoholic Liver Disease is a serious condition caused by long-term and excessive consumption of alcohol. It severely damages our liver which is not a good sign. The liver is entrusted with breaking down toxins, producing proteins, and storing energy within our bodies. Once damaged, it can lead to inflammation, scarring, and even complete liver failure over a period of time.
Dr Vivek Vij places special emphasis on the prospect of early detection, stating that “Awareness is the very first step towards the prevention. Timely intervention helps save many lives and can restore the normal functioning of the liver.”
Your liver is entrusted with the responsibility of breaking down the alcohol that you have consumed so that it can be easily removed from your body. However, drinking alcohol beyond your capacity can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances in your body. It is one of the major alcoholic liver disease causes. These toxins often cause scarring, inflammation, and cell damage over a period of time.
You force your liver to work overtime with every sip of alcohol you consume. It will eventually impair the liver’s ability to perform the necessary tasks. Chronic alcohol consumption not only destroys the liver cells but also hampers its regeneration abilities. It often paves the way for irreversible damage to the liver.
The signs and alcoholic liver disease symptoms usually vary based on the above-discussed stages. They might include:
It is necessary to book an appointment with a liver specialist if you or any of your family or loved ones are facing these symptoms.
Even though alcohol consumption is one of the major causes of ALD, there are other factors also that increase the risk. Some of the factors are:
The more alcohol you consume over a period of time, the higher risks you will be facing.
Women are more prone to vulnerability as their alcohol metabolism is very different compared to that of a man.
If you have a family history of having members who have suffered from liver diseases, there are chances that you will be affected by the issue because of the genes.
Malnutrition worsens the alcohol-induced liver damage.
It is now time to discuss the diagnosis and testing part.
A combination of tests is required for diagnosing the ALD. Some of the major tests a patient has to undergo are:
A detailed study of your alcohol consumption habits.
It is conducted to check your liver enzyme levels and overall liver function.
Tests like CT Scan, MRI, and Ultrasound are conducted to assess the liver damage.
There are instances where a small tissue sample might be taken to confirm the diagnosis of the issue.
Dr Vivek Vij and his team use cutting-edge diagnostic tools to deliver early and accurate detection of the ALD.
The cornerstone of alcohol liver treatment is to entirely stop alcohol consumption. The other key steps include:
You must consume a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and proteins. It facilitates the faster recovery of the liver.
The doctor will prescribe you liver-protective agents and anti-inflammatory drugs.
A liver transplant is the last resort in severe cases of cirrhosis.
It is very well said that prevention is better than a cure. You must perform the following actions to ensure your liver is in proper condition.
The steps are:
Even though ALD is a serious issue, there is nothing to worry about as it is preventable. You must have a thorough understanding of the risks associated with heavy alcohol consumption and take proactive steps. You will be able to protect your liver and overall health by taking precautionary measures. It’s time to take charge of your liver health today by scheduling an appointment with Dr Vivek Vij and his team. It’s time to begin your journey towards a healthier you.
Q.1. Can ALD be reversed?
The answer is yes. If you have a fatty liver, the situation can be reversed if you stop consuming alcohol. However, advanced stages like cirrhosis are permanent.
Q.2. How much alcohol is too much?
More than 14 drinks per week for men and 7+ drinks for women can lead to the rise of risks associated with their health.
Q.3. What is the difference between ALD and non-alcoholic liver disease?
Alcohol is the major cause of ALD, whereas, diabetes, obesity, and poor diet lead to non-alcoholic liver disease.
Q.4. Can women develop ALD faster?
Yes!! It is because a female’s body processes alcohol differently. That’s why they are more vulnerable to liver damage.
Q.5. Is liver transplantation the only option for Cirrhosis?
It is necessary in severe cases. However, if one makes changes in their lifestyle and starts consuming medicines, then the symptoms can be managed.