5 Signs That Your Liver Needs Care

signs that your liver needs care

Is your liver trying to tell you something? It’s essential to pay attention to our body’s signals, especially when it comes to our hardworking and essential liver. This important organ plays a crucial role in keeping us healthy and happy. But how do we know when our liver needs some extra attention and care?

This blog explores five indicative symptoms of unhealthy liver. From undesired fatigue to changes in your skin, these signs of liver damage can provide valuable insights into your liver’s health. So, let’s discover how we can better take care of our liver for a happier, healthier life!

Why Do You Need to Care for Your Liver?

Our liver is our body’s natural filter. It gets rid of the undesired toxic as well as plays a key role in digesting the food we eat. Indeed, a healthy liver is a must for keeping diseases at bay. But time and again, the body shows signs of unhealthy liver. Most people tend to ignore these early signs of weak liver, which can trigger undesired consequences over time. In the worst cases, patients may even require a liver transplant.

5 Symptoms Of Unhealthy Liver

Now let’s discuss some symptoms and signs your liver is struggling, and you need to pay attention.

symptoms of unhealthy liver


  • Yellow Skin: An unhealthy liver is unable to excrete the bilirubin, which over time, can cause jaundice, chronic active hepatitis, or cirrhosis.
  • Fatigue: An unhealthy liver fails to maintain optimum levels of glucose in the body which can cause unexpected fatigue.
  • Easy Bruising and Bleeding: Even minor cuts or injuries may cause large bruises and bleeding to an individual with chronic liver disease.
  • Low Appetite: A weak liver can significantly reduce appetite. Most people with poor liver suffer from loss of appetite and poor digestion.
  • Itching: The excess bilirubin ends up in the bloodstream, causing itching, particularly in the hands and feet.

Yellow Skin

The liver breaks down old worn-out haemoglobin or RBCs. In this process, the liver reuses the “globin” part of the haemoglobin molecule while excreting the “heme” part as bilirubin pigments.

  • An unhealthy liver is unable to excrete the bilirubin, which over time, can cause jaundice, chronic active hepatitis, or cirrhosis.
  • Yellowish discolouration of the skin and eyes is the first sign of higher levels of bilirubin, and it must not be ignored at all.
  • You should visit a liver transplant surgeon in India to get the best advice for controlling these symptoms.


The liver is the body’s natural energy store. It produces glucose, which is the body’s primary energy fuel.

  • An unhealthy liver fails to maintain optimum levels of glucose in the body.
  • Fatigue is an early sign of less-than-normal glucose levels. An individual with an unhealthy liver will feel tired easily and find it challenging to perform routine tasks with the same zest and energy as on normal days.

Easy Bruising and Bleeding

An unhealthy liver makes an individual a candidate for easy bruising and bleeding.

  • Defence against minor injuries or bruises is one of the many important functions of the liver.
  • Even minor cuts or injuries may cause large bruises and bleeding to an individual with chronic liver disease.
  • Hence, if a minor cut bleeds profusely, even after first aid, it’s a sign that your liver is struggling.

Low Appetite

A weak liver can significantly reduce appetite. Most people with poor liver suffer from loss of appetite and poor digestion.

  • They either don’t feel like eating or complain of a feeling of satiety even if they have not had the amount of food they would normally eat.
  • This loss of appetite can lead to malnutrition and weight loss, further exacerbating the health issues.
  • In addition to the physical aspects, ailing liver conditions can also impact a person’s mental well-being, causing irritability and mood swings.
  • It is essential for individuals experiencing these symptoms to seek medical attention promptly from liver transplant surgeon in India to address the underlying liver condition and receive proper nutrition and support.


Itchy skin is the most common symptom of unhealthy liver. It occurs when the bile juice produced by the liver cannot completely flow into the intestine due to some form of blockage in its natural flow.

  • The excess bilirubin ends up in the bloodstream, causing itching, particularly in the hands and feet.
  • Aside from itchy skin, a weak liver can also display in other skin-related issues, such as jaundice, where the skin and eyes may turn yellow due to the accumulation of bilirubin.
  • Moreover, individuals with liver problems may notice the development of spider-like blood vessels on their skin, a condition known as spider angiomas.
  • These visible symptoms indicate the liver’s crucial role in detoxification and blood circulation.


In conclusion, our liver plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and freedom from sickness, but it also needs our care and attention. To avoid future difficulties and preserve a happy, healthy life, it is essential to recognize the signs of an unhealthy liver.

The indications that your liver requires more care include yellowing of the skin, unexpected exhaustion, easy bruising and bleeding, loss of appetite, or itching. Don’t ignore these symptoms; consult a physician or a liver transplant surgeon in India to address the underlying problems and receive the right care and assistance.

For a healthy body, the liver must be in its best state. AILBS India is a leading institute of liver transplant in India. We offer advanced liver care and treatment using state-of-the-art Medical Facilities. If you have also faced any of the above-mentioned liver disease symptoms, AILBS India is a name that you can always trust to keep your liver healthy forever.


Q. 1 What are the common signs that indicate your liver needs help?

Ans: The common signs that indicate your liver needs care include yellow skin and eyes (jaundice), fatigue, easy bruising and bleeding, loss of appetite, and itching. These symptoms can be early indicators of an unhealthy liver and should not be ignored.

Q. 2 Why is it essential to take care of my liver?

Ans: Your liver is responsible for filtering toxins from your body and aiding digestion. It plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and preventing diseases. Neglecting liver health can lead to serious complications over time, including liver diseases that may require a liver transplant.

Q. 3 What could be causing the yellowish discoloration of my skin and eyes?

Ans: Yellowish discoloration of the skin and eyes, known as jaundice, occurs when the liver cannot excrete bilirubin properly. Bilirubin is a pigment formed during the breakdown of old red blood cells. Elevated bilirubin levels in the blood can lead to jaundice and may be a sign of liver dysfunction.

Q. 4 How does an unhealthy liver lead to fatigue?

Ans: The liver plays a role in producing glucose, which is the body’s primary energy source. An unhealthy liver can fail to maintain proper glucose levels, leading to fatigue and reduced energy levels. If you feel tired easily and struggle to perform daily tasks, it could be a sign that your liver needs attention.

Q. 5 Can an unhealthy liver affect my skin health?

Ans: Yes, an unhealthy liver can significantly impact your skin health. When the liver cannot efficiently process bile juice and other toxins, it can lead to itching and the development of spider-like blood vessels on the skin, known as spider angiomas. Moreover, conditions like jaundice can cause the skin and eyes to turn yellow due to the accumulation of bilirubin.

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